
Donate Mind

  Donate Mind - SUDAN EMERGENCY APPEAL Donate Mind - Our Company provides the best Mind Donation service in the UK. We believe everyone should have access to excellent mental health care. Rare Cancer Treatment - Our Company provides the best service for Rare Cancer Treatment in Syria. Treatment to save my life Refugee Camp Setup UK - Our goal is to establish refugee camps in the UK based on donations for refugee camps. Contact us at +447462237655 Women's Medical Checkups in Syria - Our company provides the best service for women and children in dire need of immediate attention & assistance.   IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! TIME FOR FESTIVE EID LIGHTS, NEW CLOTHES AND SCRUMPTIOUS DISHES Time for festive Eid lights, new clothes and scrumptious dishes. Time to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW, passed down to him from his great grandfather Prophet Ibrahim (AS). As we near the day of Eid ul Adha, I’d like you to reflect on the fact that for many of our brothers an